Healthcare News
What are some possible early warning signs of osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis causes bones to become porous and weaker, and many people do not have noticeable symptoms until they experience an injury or fracture. However, early signs of the condition can include receding gums, weakened grip strength, and brittle fingernails.
Acupuncture can relieve lower back and pelvic pain often experienced during pregnancy
Acupuncture can significantly relieve the lower back and/or pelvic pain frequently experienced by women during their pregnancy, suggests a pooled data analysis of the available evidence, published in BMJ Open.
Why is my sciatica not going away?
Sciatica is a type of nerve pain that radiates down the back into the hip and leg. It often goes away in a few weeks, but for some people, the condition is chronic.
Q&A: Cervical disk replacement
The Food and Drug Administration recently approved cervical disk replacement surgery as an alternative to spinal fusion. Like a knee replacement surgery, the artificial disk allows for full or nearly full range of motion after the surgery.
What to know about uncovertebral joint hypertrophy
Uncovertebral joints are joints in the neck that stabilize and allow for movement. In some cases, these joints can swell or become enlarged, causing stiffness and pain.