Healthcare News
What to know about screening for osteoporosis
Screening for osteoporosis can show if a person has low bone mass and can potentially develop osteoporosis. Doctors typically perform a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan to detect if bones are weaker than usual.
Augmented reality pedicle screw navigation may be reliable, safe in spine surgery
Augmented reality-assisted pedicle screw navigation system may be feasible and safe in clinical use. Augmented reality navigation may offer advantages vs. an OR room-based navigation system.
What can cause lower back pain?
Lower back pain is very common. It usually develops due to overuse or a minor injury, but sometimes there may be no obvious cause. Lower back pain can also be a symptom of an underlying medical condition.
Why Does My Back Hurt When I Breathe?
There are several different causes of back pain, many of which can worsen with breathing. Back pain can be due to an injury to the bones or muscles in your back, or result from a medical condition affecting internal organs such as the heart or lungs.
Drug that kills off sleeping bone cells could treat lower back pain
An existing drug that targets senescent, or sleeping cells could provide the answer to treating lower back pain, according to a new study.